FAQ - Häufige Fragen an Retter Sports

Fragen an das Retter Sports – Team

Hier findest du Antworten

Fragen und Antworten

You probably have a lot of questions about your trip. We are here to advise you. But you can find the answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

Globales FAQ

You can easily request your trip to your desired destination on our website. In the booking process you choose the type of sport, the accommodation, the travel period, the desired additional services and enter your data. You will receive a confirmation of receipt and a RETTER Sports employee will then contact you by email or telephone.
You can also call us from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on +43 316 815415 or simply send us an email to info@retter-sports.

In cooperation with European Travel Insurance we offer a Full protection insurance, as well as a Cancellation Insurance and a Travel protection to, all of which include  Corona travel protection. All insurances can be booked as individual, group, family or annual insurance.

After booking you will receive a written confirmation by mail.
Die Reiseunterlagen sollten ca. 2 Wochen vor Reiseantritt fertig sein – diese können wir per Post oder per Mail versenden. Wie es dir lieber ist.

The deposit is 20% of the total travel price and must be paid within 14 days of booking.
If you have booked insurance, the full amount of the insurance must be paid in order for the insurance to take effect in the event of damage.

You can pay for your trip by bank transfer, bank draft or credit card.

Tell us your alternative travel dates by email or phone.
For rebookings we charge an additional handling fee of € 25,00.

If you need to cancel your trip, you will find in our ARB (General Conditions of Travel) the applicable cancellation scale.
If you want to cancel the trip, we need your written confirmation by e-mail. If you have taken out insurance and the reason for cancellation is included in it (e.g. illness), we can submit your cancellation invoice to the insurance company on your behalf (if this was booked through us), which will reimburse you for the cancellation costs after positive verification.

You need a passport or identity card.
You can find any entry or visa requirements for specific countries on the websites of your respective foreign ministry:
für österreichische Staatsbürger:innen
für deutsche Staatsbürger:innen
für Schweizer Staatsbürger:innen

Für Dringendes gibt es die RETTER Notfallhotline 03335/40540, the außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten (Montag bis Freitag von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr) besetzt ist. Ansonsten sind wir unter 0043 (0)316 815 415 gerne für dich und deine Anliegen da.